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New Name and Logo

As of Fall 2022, the Ontario Physician Human Resources Data Centre (OPHRDC) was officially renamed Ontario Physician Reporting Centre (OPRC). This change in name marks a new era for our centre.

Since 1992, OPRC has been the definitive source of information on physicians in Ontario. Over the years our mandate and our data holdings have grown, allowing us to report on the number of physicians in training, in active practice, and up to retirement. Our data has been and will continue to be integral to physician human resource planning for medical schools, regions, and the province.

O-P-R-C is more than just a new, more concise name.

Our new and modernized website continues to be a comprehensive source of information about physicians and physicians in training within Ontario. At the end of fall 2022, we added interactive data visualizations that improve the usability of our reports and allow users to access over 30 years’ worth of historic data. Our previous reports are available upon request and custom data requests continue to be available by special request. Our new logo will be evident in our reports and materials going forward.

We look forward to working with our stakeholders to continually improve our website, reports, and data products.