Active Physician Registry | Listing of Physicians in active practice compiled annually by OPRC. |
Active Practice | Physician has an independent practice licence, and is practicing, in Ontario for a significant portion of the calendar year. |
Age Range | Physicians are assigned to an age range based on the distance from their year of birth. |
Census Date | PIO census date is December 31 of the year in question. |
Census SubDivision | Assigned by Statistics Canada, this is roughly equivalent, although not the same, as the geopolitical category of municipality. |
CFPC | College of Family Physicians of Canada |
County | Equivalent to Statistics Canada Census Division, these are often now called Regional Municipalities. Toronto is now a Region, a Census Subdivision and a County. |
Gender | Gender is based on data provided by CPSO and no specific distinction is made between sex and gender identity. Starting in 2021, an ‘Other’ category (which combines both non-binary and unknown gender categories) is provided in addition to ‘Male’ and ‘Female’. |
LHIN | Local Health Integration Network – Health Planning Region of the Ontario Ministry of Health. |
Location of Practice | Location based on primary practice street address. |
OPRC | Ontario Physician Reporting Centre. |
Physician | Physician licenced to practice medicine as an independent practitioner or Postgraduate medical trainee in the Province of Ontario. |
PIO | Physicians In Ontario – Name of the OPRC annual report on active physicians in Ontario. |
RCPSC | Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada |
Specialty | Primary practice specialty using nomenclature of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the Canadian College of Family Physicians. |
Year | Calendar year. |